Write an approximately 100 word letter in French to an imaginary penpal in a French speaking country or region. Describe what you did on your holiday (approx. 10 sentences) using the Passé Composé and the imparfait verb tenses, then share what you plan to do in the upcoming year using the Future Tense (Futur Simple or Aller + Infinitive) (Approx 5 sentences)


Content  /5 (100 words in French - approx 15 sentence)
Past Tense Verbs / 10 (Passé Composé or Imparfait verbs used in correct context and conjugated correctly)
Future Tense Verbs /5 (Futur Simple and Aller + Infinitive used correctly and conjugated correctly)

Total /25

7/1/2014 08:02:44 am


11/15/2014 09:14:46 pm

I really had a lot of help from this and I would like to return the favor and that's why I am writing this positive comment for your article.


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