History 12 Summative Learning Project:

Create a Youtube video that summarizes your learning for this course. You may work individually or in groups as large as 4. The idea is to create an artefact that connects the different units, time periods and themes that you explored in this course.  Your final product must be uploaded to Youtube and posted to your class webpages.  How you produce your video is up to you, you may use still photos, remix or reuse archival footage, create your own scenes, or integrate slides from presentation software.  The final goal is to produce an original and creative work that summarizes and connects everything you have learned in this course.  


Content:       /25

Your video must demonstrate what you have learned from all elements of the course, including current events.  You will be provided with Unit Summary to help guide your learning.

Unit 1 Content – World of 1919  /5

Unit 2 Content – Promise and Collapse  (1919-1933) /5

Unit 3 Content – Turmoil and Tragedy (1933-1945) /5

Unit 4 and 5 Content – Cold War(1945-1991)  /5

Current Events  /5

Movie Production:  /30

Editing  /5  You have demonstrated evidence of editing, including transitions between scenes, remixing or editing of authentic footage, opening and closing credits, narration and graphics.

Soundtrack   /5 You have integrated music in an appropriate and effective way to demonstrate your learning and understanding of the subject manner. 

Cooperation  /5 You have distributed the work of creating this movie equally amongst your team. Each member has been given tasks that plays to his/her strengths. 

Story     /5  Your movie tells an engaging story and is well organized. Evidence of a beginning, middle and end is apparent.

Creativity /5 Your movie is original and creative. Your overall production demonstrates your groups creativity and commitment to producing an original and excellent finished product. 

Final Presentation /5 Your movie is uploaded to Youtube and a working copy is uploaded to the PROJECTS section of your History Webpage, by June 18th, 2013. 

1) This week students are to read the news and choose  a story or current event that interests them.  

2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video. 

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story. 

To see an example of this please click on the following link. 

With a partner, create a Google presentation and share it with your partner. Using the list of Terms for Unit 4 create a slide show that defines and provides an image explaining each term. Each slide should have a reference.


Definitions      /39 (A clear, and correct definition is provided. Proper spelling and formatting is evident)

Images          /39  (An image that corresponds with the definition and term)

Sources        /39 (You have included a link to your source of information, and you have used more than 1 source)

Total       /117


1. Bipolar World
2. Domino Theory
3.Satellite States
4. Allied Control Council
5. Konrad Adenhauer
6. Backyards
7. Buffer Zone
8. Iron Curtain
9.Truman Doctrine
10. Marshall Plan
11. Berlin Blockade
12. Berlin Airlift
13. NATO
14. Containment
15. McCarthyism
16. Korean War
17. General Douglas MacArthur
18. De-Stalinization
19. Wladyslaw Gomulka
20. Imre Nagy
21. Hungarian Rising
22. John Foster Dulles
23. Colonel G.A. Nasser
24. Peaceful Coexistence
25. Eisenhower Doctrine
26. Sputnik
27. U-2 incident
28. Berlin Wall
29. Fulgencio Batista
30. Cuban Revolution
31. Fidel Castro
32. Bay of Pigs
33. Cuban Missile Crisis
34. ICBM
35. MAD - Mutally Assured Destruction
36. Pre-emptive strike
37. Alexander Dubcek
38. Socialism with a Human face
39. Brezhnev Doctrine

In a relatively short refection (150-200 words) I would like you to write a post that:

1)  Briefly describes your game,

2) Details what you contributed to its creation

3) What you learned in the process of creating the game 

4) What is your opinion on the playability of the game. 

Content (Meets word count, covers all questions)
Style (Is properly formatted, spelling and grammar are correct) 

You will have class time to create a board game based on a theme that has been reviewed as a class. We will be playing the games as a class and part of your mark will be a peer evaluation. 


1) In groups of 2-3 you will choose a theme. All themes must be covered so you may not get your first choice.

-  World War I and post WWI Europe - pg 3-21 
- Russia from Revolution to 1941 - pg. 22-42
- Promise and Collapse - 1919-1933 - pg 47-62
- Turmoil and Tragedy - WWII - 1933-1945 - pg. 79-109
- The Cold War - pg. 121-154

2) Create your own board game from scratch or recycle a game board of your choice. 2-4 students should be able to play your game at a time. You can bring props or game pieces from home.

3) Your game should include a minimum of 30 questions written out or cards or a paper.

4) Provide instructions so that people playing the game are able understand the game.

Presentation       /5-   This will be assessed on how much effort you put into this project?

Content             /5-  This will be assessed based on how thoroughly you have covered the material in your theme. In                                          addition the writing must be mistake free.

Playability/Creativity     /5    - This will be assessed on the fun factor and playability of the final game and will be assessed                                             by your peers.

Reflection and Co-operation       /5    - After we have completed and played the games, we will blog a reflection based on                                                            what we have learned in this process, and what we contributed to our groups. 

1) This week students are to read the news and choose  a story or current event that interests them.  

2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video. 

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story. 

To see an example of this please click on the following link. 

In celebration of the life and achievements of Nelson Mandela, we are going to collaboratively create a timeline that highlights the memorable events in his life. Our final project is going to be presented using a shared Google Presentation, however you can create graphics for your slides using other tools such as Powtoons and export them using Youtube. You can communicate with each other, face to face, through Google Drive or using your student Gmail accounts. Finally we will view, peer edit and distribute the slide show using social media.

Learning Goals:

- To learn about and commemorate and important figure in 20th century history.
- To collaboratively create and edit a shared project as a class.
- To explore and use Web 2.0 tools (Google Apps, Youtube, Voicestream, student choice)


Step 1: Getting started:
As there are 15 students in our class we are going to divide into 3 groups of 4. Each group will be responsible for 1 segment of Nelson's Mandela's Life. Follow the link below to the organizational Google Document and register yourself into a team. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15-yDrntOqLULbkpX4Xumn9PW0w2WqwRX0bqPMXuG3PQ/edit\
The class will be divided into 3 groups of 4 and Dylan will the 10th responsible for creating the document, the title and end pages. The first group will deal with his early life. The second group his middle life, and the last group will deal with the latter stages of his life. Please include your Gmail address, so we can start sharing access of our document.

Step 2:  Sharing the Presentation
Dylan has volunteered to get us started. He will be responsible for creating the Google Presentation and Ally is going to co-ordinate the music for our slideshow, based on tributes created for Nelson Mandela
. Merrina has volunteered to be our initial editor and communication co-ordinator.  She will try to maintain consistency on the timelines so they don't overlap, make sure everyone is included and try to bring some consistency to fonts, sources and slide order. Once Dylan has shared the Google Presentation with the first person on the list, it is your responsibility to share it with the next person.

Step 3: Define the time periods
I have purposely left out the dates for each section, so you must communicate amongst yourselves to determine them, once you have started your research. You may discuss as a group using the Google Document. Dylan will be responsible for writing in the final dates in the organization page.

Within your groups, make your plan, and divide each period into smaller periods, you can add these to the Google Doc.

Step 4:
Slide Creation
Each class member must contribute 3 slides with images that represent important aspects of Mandela's life.
Each slide should include key information for your period, including pictures and videos. You can use the standard features of Google Presentations, or upload a presentation to Youtube using a different tool such as Powtoons.com or Prezi, or any other tool that you think might enhance our presentation. You must be sure to include sources for your information, and images.  .

Step 5: Due Dates
You will have 2 classes to finish the rough draft
After 2 classes we will view the presentation, and begin editing.
Group 1 will peer edit, Group 2,
Group 2 will peer edit, Group 3
Group 3 will peer edit Group 1
Make changes and check with Merrina
We will meet to discuss the final presentation on Thursday, make any last minute changes and then
View it as a class and then share it to the public.

Step 7: Sharing
Students are to individually upload the Google Presentation to the Project section of their Weebly sites. Each member of the class will receive the same grade, based on the quality of the final project, and their individual contributions. If you like, you can share the presentation on your own social media sites.

Step 8: Voicethread reflection
Follow the link below to the Voicethread I have setup for Nelson Mandela


Create an account with Voicethread if you don't have an account and add your reflection on what Nelson Mandela means to you after the completion of this project.

Evaluation and Rubric:

Final Presentation Mark: (Class Shares this mark, Each student must have contributed 3 slides or completed a unique roll in order to qualify for this portion)

Content       /5  (32 Slides in total, including, title and concluding slide, images and information relevant to Mandela's life and achievement, information is correct.)

Organization     /5 (Slides follow chronological order and events do not overlap, and presentation is uploaded to the project section of your Weebly site.)

Presentation     /5 (There is a consistent style to each slide, images and videos are used, other presentation tools may been imbedded into presentation)

Sources          /5 (Information used is cited, You have used at least 5 different sources)

Individual Mark:

Registration    /5 (Student has registered using Google Doc, shared with members of the group, and shared the final presentation in the "Projects" section of their online binder/portfolio)

Reflection    /5 (Students have completed a Voicethread Reflection

Using a the list of 74 terms below (or supplied by Mr. Mark) choose two partners and divide the terms into 3 groups. Approximately 25 each. One lucky person will only have to do 24. For each term choose an image that best describes it and supply a quick definition that explains it.(When, Where, Why, What) 

In order to build your projects, start in Google Presentations and share your document with your two partners. Collaboratively you can build your working project. Finally convert your Google Presentation to Youtube and post in the Project sections of your History 12 Weebly Site.

Term Definition   /2   Definition explains When/What/Where/Why

Term Image    /1 - Appropriate image that captures the essence of each term. 

- Final Project is posted in completion in the project section of Weebly /5

Total   /80

Finally we will be doing a QuizShow style review of the terms with prizes to conclude our WWII unit and we will have a multiple choice style quiz after the review.


1. General Francisco Franco
2. Falange
3. International Brigades
4. Guernica
5. Stresa Front
6. Greater East Asian Co-Pros. Sphere
7. Lebensraum
8. Appeasement
9. Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
10. Sudetenland
11. Edvard Benes
12.  Neville Chamberlain
13. Munich Conference
14. The Nazi-Soviet Pact
15. Blitzkrieg
16. Panzer
17. Luftwaffe
18. Phony War
19. Dunkirk
20. Charles De Gaulle
21. Vichy France
22. Collaborators
23. Battle of Britain
24. Operation Sealion
25. Spitfire
26. Radar
27. Ultra
28. The Blitz
29. Winter War
30. Barbarossa
31. North African Campaign
32. General Erwin Rommel
33. General Montgomery
34. El Alamein
35. General D.D. Eisenhower
36. Operation Torch
37. Afrika Corps
38. Franklin Roosevelt
39. Cash and Carry
40. Lend Lease
41. Battle of Atlantic
42. U-Boat
43. Battle of Stalingrad
44. The Italian Campaign
45. Salerno
46. The Second Front 
47. Operation Overlord
48. Utah, Omaha, Gold
49. Operation Market Garden
50. Battle of the Bulge
51. V-1 or buzz bomb
52- V-2
53. Pearl Harbour
54. Doolittle Raid 
55. The Battle of the Coral Sea
56. The Battle of the Midway Islands
57. Island-Hopping
58. Battle of Leyte Gulf
59. Kamikaze
60. Iwo Jima
61. Okinawa
62. Manhattan Project
63. Hiroshima
64. Nagasaki
65. Holocaust
66. Final Solution
67. Ensatzgruppen
68. Wannsee Conference
69. Nuremburg Trials
70. Altantic Charter
71. Tehran Conference
72. Yalta Conference
73. Potsdam Conference
74. Strategic Bombing

1) This week students are to read the news and choose  a story or current event that interests them.  

2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video.

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story.

To see an example of this please click on the following link.

History 12: Assignment: Who was worse? Stalin or Hitler

Research a list of their negative impacts and positive accomplishments.

 Create a power point or choose another Web 2.0 tool to create a presentation outlining your arguments. This is an activity where you can choose to work with a partner if you like.


List of negatives (Evaluate negative impact both leaders had)                                     /5       

List of positives (Evaluate any positive impacts these controversial figure may

                              have had)                                                                                                 /5

Historical Accuracy – Information is historically accurate and cited.                         /5

Detail/Content – be thorough, use your own words or site references. Approx.

                               500 words worth of content                                                               /5

Style – Your presentation is professional looking/creative                                          /5

Referencing   - Reference a mininum of 5 sources using APA style citations            /5

Total:                                                                                                                                     /30

***(This is a controversial issue and there exist many strong opinions about these individuals make sure to delineate between fact and opinion. Cite your information)