Research minimum 3 different methods on how to write French accents and post it as a blog in the notes section of your website.

Your descriptions need to be clear and include screen shots and full detailed explanations.


- Each method will be evaluated out of 5 for a total of 15 marks
- Each method must be clearly outlined /1
 - Information must be accurate /2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots. /2

For your first French journal write 5 sentences about what you did this past weekend. Part of this assignment is exploring how to use accents on the computer and you can begin this exploration by Googling different methods and experimenting what is the most effective.

- Title and Date in French /1
- use of accents / 1
- Sentence complexity /1
- Complex vocabulary /1
- All in French using correct sentence structure  /2
 - Verbs are properly conjugated in the past tense /2
- Includes and image that represents your activities /1
- Organization - (tells a story, follows chronological order) /1 

Totale    /10


Step 1:  Create a school GMAIL account - (you will be using this to access various web 2.0 tools)

Step 2: Record your username and password in a safe place. I recommend using the note function of your smartphones - Manageing user names and passwords is an important skill in the 21st century. By using the notepad on your smartphone and maintaining a current list of usernames and passwords is necessary to access the important tools available to us on the web. In order to safeguard your list you can password protect your phones and email your lists to a secure email site.

Step 3: Log onto www.weebly.com and create an account. Your site name should be your first name the words French 11 . For example John learns French 11.  It is vital that we are aware of not posting private information online and securing our identities on an open site. 

- Fill out the site information - Choose Education and Class Project
- your site URL should be your first name last intial followed by learnscedarfrench.weebly.com
- Example - justinmlearnscedarfrench.weebly.com

Step 4: Once you've created a site. Choose a design and start adding elements.
1: Moi  - choose page option - add a picture that reflects you or your interests.
2: Personal Dictionary -choose blog option - You will add vocab to these as we go along.
3: Notes - choose page or blog option
4: Projects - Choose blog option
5: Links - Choose Page - and add links to www.quizlet.com and Mr Mark's website ( www.mrmarkteachescedar.weebly.com )

Evaluation -
Sites will be marked out of 25.
They must include all elements and the design must reflect a french theme, you must also add unique visuals to each section.

Today you will be experimenting with a beginner French University course.
This powerful program has been designed to help students learn French for free around the world.
After you have completed the 1st lession you will write a journal post in English reviewing the lesson.

- Navigate to https://oli.cmu.edu/jcourse/webui/welcome.do
- Create an Account and save your username and password (Good idea to use your email as your username)
- Read about the course and do the 1st lesson.
- After completing the 1st lesson - Write a 100 word journal entry reflecting on your experience and rating of this program and how it affected your learning.
Critique du Film:
- Write a 250 word film review describing what you liked and disliked about the movie, "Les Rois du Patin"
- The review should start with a quick 3/4 sentence synopsis (descrition) of the movie, but most of the review should be your opinion reviews the pros and cons of the movie.
- The review should be written entirely in French. (Use the vocab supplied below)
- Reviews that are written in English and Google translated will receive a mark of zero
- You should conclude your review with a score out of 10
- Reviews should be posted in the project section of your Weebly sites.

/10 Content - Word Count, Brief Synopsis, Description of Pro/ Cons, Rating is included at the end 
/10 Sentence Structure - Clear simple sentences with correct verb conjugation
/ 5 Vocabulary - Use a range of movie specific vocabulary in a the correct context

Vocabulaire de Cinéma: Critique de film
le film   film, movie
le cinéma   movie theater
le Festival de Cannes ~ Cannes Film Festival
la sélection officielle   official festival selection
la Palme d'Or   "golden palm," highest award given at Cannes

la comédie   comedyf
le documentaire   documentary
le drame   drama
le film d'action   action movie
le film d'aventures   adventure
le film d'épouvante   horror
la science-fiction   science fiction
le western   western

Acteurs ~ Cast
un acteur   actor
une actrice   actress
 un(e) figurant(e)   extra
un/e interprète   actor/actress
le premier rôle   male lead, leading actor
le premier rôle féminin   female lead, leading actress
le second rôle   supporting actor
le second rôle féminin   supporting actress
la vedette   star

Équipe ~ Crew
le caméraman, cadreur   camera operator
le / la cinéaste   director, film-maker
le / la coiffeur / coiffeuse   hair stylist
le / la décorateur / décoratrice   designer
le directeur de la photo(graphie)   cinematographer, director of photography
le / la maquilleur / maquilleuse   make-up artist
le metteur en scène   director
le / la monteur / monteuse   editor
le preneur de son   sound engineer, sound recorder
le / la producteur / productrice   producer
le producteur exécutif   executive producer
le / la réalisateur / réalisatrice   director
 le scénariste   screenwriter

Verbes ~ Verbs
bruiter   to add sound effects
cadrer   to frame a shot
couper   to cut
diriger   to direct
interpréter   to perform, act
monter   to edit
produire   to produce
projeter   to project, show
tourner (un film, une scène)   to film, shoot (a movie, scene)

à l'affiche   showing, playing, on screen
la bande sonore   soundtrack
le bruitage   sound effects
le découpage   story board
doublé   dubbed
l'éclairage   lighting
le générique   credits, theme music
 le métrage   length
le montage   editing
le scénario   screenplay
sous-titré   subtitled
le truquage   special effects
VF   version française (dubbed into French)
VO   version originale (in the original language with French subtitles)

Useful Expressions

J’ai pensé que le film était … I thought the film was

-  bon, mauvais, excellent, ennuyeux (boring), violent, lent (slow)

Je donnerais le film 8 sur 10 – I would give the movie 8/10

Le film était… The movie was…

Quelques  scènes  étaient  -  Some scenes were…

J’ai bien aimé le film – I really liked the movie

Je n’ai pas aimé le film – I didn’t  like movie.

J’ai pensé que le scène où….était… - I thought the scene where…was…

Il y avait beaucoup d’action – There was a lot of action.

Le film était au sujet de… - The movie was about…

J’ai pensé que Liam Neeson était… (bon, mauvais, réaliste, sincere, incroyable)

J’ai aimé les scènes qui n’étaient pas ennuyeux. – I like the scenes that were not boring. 

Grade 11: MID TERM Oral Exam Questions


1)   Quelle heure est-il? Quelle est le jour et la date?

2) Quel travail est-ce que vous voulez faire après l’école?

3) Quand vous étiez petit(e), vous alliez à quelle école primaire?

4) Expliquez le passé-composé.

5) Expliquez l’imparfait.

6)  Décrivez la fonction des pronoms.

7) Décrivez votre voyage/vacance préféré en hiver ou en été?

8) Décrivez votre routine le matin? (p.411)

9) Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

10) Décrivez votre routine après l’école (p.407)

11) Quel est votre restaurant favoris? Pourquoi?

12) Qu’est ce que vous commandez au restaurant?

13) Quelle genre de cinema aimez-vous?

14) Décrivez votre film préféré.

15) Qui est votre acteur/actrice préféré? Pourquoi?

16) Décrivez votre lesson préféré en classe de français.


Français 11/12
Projet Culturel
1)   Avec Un partenaire choisissez un sujet Français, qui vous interessez.
2)   Enrégistrez ton choix avec M. Mark et commencez votre recherche.
3)   Dévelopez une presentation dynamique.
4)    J’attends avec impatience de voir vos présentations

Section 1:  Plan de recherche  - 10 points
-     Chaque groupe doit compléter une feuille de recherche

Section 2:  Rapport – (300 mots minimum) – 20 points
-     En Francais
-     Bien écrit – Évitez GOOGLE TRANSLATE
-     Phrases simples et clairs.
-     Verbes bien conjugés
-     Pas copié – Tes propres mots – (don’t plagiarize)
-     Bien Organisé
-     Information est intéressant

Section 3:  Présentation D’Information – 15 points
-     Les Voix Claires et Fortes
-     La presentation s’est partagée égalemente
-     Information est intéressante et rélévante
-     Information est bien organizé 

Section 4:  Présentation Visuelle – 10 points 
- Montrez une video où des images qui explique votre présentation

Section 5:  Jeux/Activity - 15 points
- Organizer un activité pour votre présentation
- Réaliste, amusant, rélévant, éducative

Section 1: Plan de recherché - /10
-     Indicate partners
-     Indicate appropriate and approved topic
-     Written in French
-     Outlines how group is going to accomplish each section (Report, Speaking, Visual and Activity)
-     Outlines how students are going to equitably contribute

Section 2: Rapport /20
-     Is written in French
-     Information is relevant and interesting (Don’t bore us)
-     Information is clearly written in simple understandable  French
-     Students did not simply cut and paste and/or Google translate
-     Information is organized in an intelligent and thoughtful manner
-     Verbs are conjugated and in an appropriate tense
-     Adjectives are placed in the correct order
-     Pronouns are correctly used.

Section 3: Présentation d’information  /15
-     Information is presented in a clear and simple manner
-     Information is presented in a visual presentation or in a relevant manner
-     Groups equally share the speaking responsibilities
-     Pronunciation is clear
-     Voices are loud enough
-     Audience is able to understand what is being presented
-     Group checks/quizzes for audience understanding
-     New/key vocabulary is pre-taught – handout- before lesson

Section 4: Présentation Visuelle /10
-     Video, pictures or demonstration is used to help teach or deepen student understanding of the topic.
-     Visual is appropriate, interesting and relevant

Section 5: Jeux/Activity /10
-     Students develop an engaging activity to deepen student understanding of their topic
-     Activity is appropriate for all students
-     Participants are engaged
-     Activity is well explained and organized
-     Students have demonstrated creativity and advanced planning of their activity
-     Students take advantage of school resources and budget
-     Activity is not rushed and done at the last minute.

Add www.quizlet.com to your resources.
- Create a login for the site - save your login name and password (recommend saving it on a note in your phone.
- Create a new section titled - Bon Voyage 2  Ch. 4 vocab
- Add all the vocab to the flashcards
- Practice your words using the 5 different activities
Research minimum 3 different methods on how to write French accents and post it to your resources and links section of your website.

Your descriptions need to be clear and include screen shots and full detailed explanations.


- Each method will be evaluated out of 5 for a total of 15 marks
- Each method must be clearly outlined, information must be accurate and excellent descriptions may include helpful pictures and screen shots.
- Using the vocab from p. 129 - type the French and find the English version of the chapter 4 vocabulary.
- You will find the vocab on page 129 of BON VOYAGE 2 (Texte Verte)
- Search for the English version in the dictionary in the back of the book, or using an online resource.
- Publish in your Personal Dictionary section of your website.