Grade 11: MID TERM Oral Exam Questions

1)   Quelle heure est-il? Quelle est le jour et la date?

2) Quel travail est-ce que vous voulez faire après l’école?

3) Quand vous étiez petit(e), vous alliez à quelle école primaire?

4) Expliquez le passé-composé.

5) Expliquez l’imparfait.

6)  Décrivez la fonction des pronoms.

7) Décrivez votre voyage/vacance préféré en hiver ou en été?

8) Décrivez votre routine le matin? (p.411)

9) Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

10) Décrivez votre routine après l’école (p.407)

11) Quel est votre restaurant favoris? Pourquoi?

12) Qu’est ce que vous commandez au restaurant?

13) Quelle genre de cinema aimez-vous?

14) Décrivez votre film préféré.

15) Qui est votre acteur/actrice préféré? Pourquoi?

16) Décrivez votre lesson préféré en classe de français.

Français 11: Projet Culturel
1)   Avec Un partenaire choisissez un sujet Français, qui vous interessez.
2)   Enrégistrez ton choix avec M. Mark et commencez votre recherche.
3)   Dévelopez une presentation dynamique.
4)    J’attends avec impatience de voir vos présentations

Section 1:  Plan de recherche  - 10 points
-     Chaque groupe doit compléter une feuille de recherche

Section 2:  Rapport – (500 mots minimum) – 20 points
-     En Francais
-     Bien écrit – Évitez GOOGLE TRANSLATE
-     Phrases simples et clairs.
-     Verbes bien conjugés
-     Pas copié – Tes propres mots – (don’t plagiarize)
-     Bien Organisé
-     Information est intéressant

Section 3:  Présentation D’Information – 15 points
-     Les Voix Claires et Fortes
-     La presentation s’est partagée égalemente
-     Information est intéressante et rélévante
-     Information est bien organizé 

Section 4:  Présentation Visuelle – 10 points 
- Montrez une video où des images qui explique votre présentation

Section 5:  Jeux/Activity - 15 points
- Organizer un activité pour votre présentation
- Réaliste, amusant, rélévant, éducative

Section 1: Plan de recherché - /10
-     Indicate partners
-     Indicate appropriate and approved topic
-     Written in French
-     Outlines how group is going to accomplish each section (Report, Speaking, Visual and Activity)
-     Outlines how students are going to equitably contribute

Section 2: Rapport /20
-     Is written in French
-     Information is relevant and interesting (Don’t bore us)
-     Information is clearly written in simple understandable  French
-     Students did not simply cut and paste and/or Google translate
-     Information is organized in an intelligent and thoughtful manner
-     Verbs are conjugated and in an appropriate tense
-     Adjectives are placed in the correct order
-     Pronouns are correctly used.

Section 3: Présentation d’information  /15
-     Information is presented in a clear and simple manner
-     Information is presented in a visual presentation or in a relevant manner
-     Groups equally share the speaking responsibilities
-     Pronunciation is clear
-     Voices are loud enough
-     Audience is able to understand what is being presented
-     Group checks/quizzes for audience understanding
-     New/key vocabulary is pre-taught – handout- before lesson

Section 4: Présentation Visuelle /10
-     Video, pictures or demonstration is used to help teach or deepen student understanding of the topic.
-     Visual is appropriate, interesting and relevant

Section 5: Jeux/Activity /10
-     Students develop an engaging activity to deepen student understanding of their topic
-     Activity is appropriate for all students
-     Participants are engaged
-     Activity is well explained and organized
-     Students have demonstrated creativity and advanced planning of their activity
-     Students take advantage of school resources and budget
-     Activity is not rushed and done at the last minute.

Explore the following language learning websites and evaluate their value in helping you learn French.

Post a 100 word review of each of them in the journal section of your website. You may include images, examples, links, embeds and screen shots to enhance your review.


Lang 8 -



Content     /5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    /5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance /5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Lang 8

Content     /5  (Your analyis is approx. 100 words, is well written and is posted in the Journal section of your website)

Analysis    /5 (You have provided an intellingent review of this app, demonstrating clear and objectives points and 

Appearance /5 (Your post is well organized and includes images, links, embeds and or screen shots)

Self Evaluation    /5   - Copy the evaluation guide into the Self Assessment section of your website and complete it.

Total       /30

**** 100% work will have 5 bonus marks added to their Innovation Bonus mark.

In the NOTES section of your online binder, create a simple document that explains when and how to use the Imparfait. Your notes should include the following:

1) What is the verb tense, how is it different than the Passé Composé?

2) When do you use it?  vs when should you use the Passé Composé

3) How is it formed in the regular forms

4) How is it formed in the following irregular forms:


5) You can use the BonVoyage 2 (Green Text) as a resource - P. 74 and 75 also p. 78

6) You must also visit Tex`s French website - for more information and practice - Do the practice drills.
This is a valuable resource that you should add to your website, under links and resources.
You may prefer these explanations to the textbook. - Formation - Uses


1) What is the verb tense, how is it different than the Passé Composé? (Clearly explained, and complete)     5

2) When do you use it?  vs when should you use the Passé Composé  (Clearly explained and complete)      5

3) How is it formed in the regular forms                5 (Clearly demonstrated with examples)        5

4)  How is it formed in the following irregular forms:

Avoir        2
Faire        2
Être        2
Aller         2
Manger        2
Croire        2

Presentation       10  (Clear, well organized, uses colour and outside charts and resources, is published in your notes)

Self Evaluation   5 (You have copied the above criteria and completed it in your Self Evaluation section of your website. You have answered the two questions below.

1) What would you like me to notice about your presentation

2) How did you find the explanation in Tex`s vs BonVoyage


Copy and paste the following document into a new section titled Self Evaluation that you need to create on your Weebly site.

Complete the following form and add any additional comments at the bottom.

Method 1    
- Each method must be clearly outlined     /1
 - Information must be accurate     /2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.     /2

Method 2  
- Each method must be clearly outlined     /1
 - Information must be accurate     /2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots    . /2

Method 3  
- Each method must be clearly outlined     /1
 - Information must be accurate     /2
- Descriptions must include a helpful picture and/or screen shots.     /2

Self Evaluation complete and posted in Self Evaluation section of your website
You have answered both self-evaluation questions intelligently.                /5

Total        /20

What would you like me to notice about your assignment?

What new skills did you learn during this activity?

Add to your resources.
- Create a login for the site - save your login name and password (recommend saving it on a note in your phone.
- Create a new section titled - Bon Voyage 2 Ch. 3 vocab - p. 95
- Add all the vocab to the flashcards
- Practice your words using the 5 different activities.

You must imbed your Quizlet vocab list at the bottom of your vocab and complete the activities, in order to get 20/20 on your vocab activity. 

Using your Bon Voyage 2 textbook,  copy vocab from p. 95. " Les Télécommunications" into the Personal Dictionary page of your online binders.
Once you have done this, using the textbook, or an online dictionary or both, find the English version and learn the words for our upcoming activities.


Content  /5   (All words are present and published in Personal Dictionary)
Accuracy /5 (All words are spelled correctly)
Translation /5 (Words are properly translated)
Total:     /15

Copy the Self Evaluation Form below and Paste it in the Self Evaluation section of you webpage. **** If you don't have one yet, create a new page (use blog) and copy any other self evaluations to this location. Complete the self evaluation - make sure to give yourself a total out of 46. Also make sure to answer the two questions below in detail. They are worth marks.

Self Evaluation Form:
Content Regular:
ER verbs The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.    /2
IR verbs The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.    /2
RE verbs   The explanation covers all the rules, makes sense and information is correct.    /2

Content Irregular:

Être, Avoir, Aller, Faire     /5  All four verbs are conjugated with examples.     

 Passé Composé with être     /5 All 16 verbs are listed, examples are given and the rule explaining adding an
                                                             e and s are included

Passé Composé using the Reflexive    /5 Examples are given using all forms of the reflexive pronouns (me,
                                                                                  te, se, nous, vous, se), rules are outlined about using être
                                                                                  and agreement with an addes e and s.

Film Quality and Editing    / 10: Film is professional looking, audio is clear and editing adds to the movie.

Self Reflection    /5: Self Reflection is completed, both question at the end are answered in detail and posted
                                          in the Self Evaluation section of your website.

Website Upload      /5: Video is published on YouTube or embedded  and published on Student Weebly site, in your Projects section.

Is there anything else you would like me to notice about your assignment?

What new information or skills did you learn during the creation of this project?

Total:   /46

With a partner create and edit a movie which explains and gives examples of how to use the following verb tense:

1)    Le passé-composé

You may use a combination of English and French.

You are suggested to use Powerpoint for your first video, but you may be creative in how you present your film and you may use other tools or programs to achieve the same goals.

Your explanation must be thorough and included the following

-         Regular Form - How the tense is formed – Stem and endings in ER/IR/RE forms

-          Irregular forms of both tenses including (être, avoir, faire, aller)

-          Passé Composé with être

-          Reflexive forms of the Passé Composé

-          Examples of both tenses and what they mean in English


 Passé Composé  Regular /5 : The explanation is clear and all information is correct - ex. are used
Irregular forms of both tenses including (être, avoir, faire, aller) /5 The explanation is clear and all information is correct - ex. are used
Passé Composé with être /5 The explanation is clear and all information is correct - ex. are used

Reflexive forms of the Passé Composé /5 The explanation is clear and all information is correct - ex. are

Film Quality and Editing/ 10: Film is professional looking, audio is clear and editing adds to the


Spoken French /5: French is used throughout and it is clear and well pronounced.

Website Upload  /5: Video is published on YouTube and published on Student Weebly

  site in the projects section.

Total:   /40


Copy and paste the form below and complete the self evaluation form.
Feel free to edit you website before you give yourself a mark.
When you are happy with your work and your mark, please post your evaluations in the Project page of your online binders.

Merci. M. Mark

Mr Mark’s Website Self Evaluation Form:French Class

Name (First and Last Initial only pleace ***privacy): _________________

Grade Level: _____________

Website Address (URL) :______________

*** Follows format

*** If it does not follow format edit it in your Weebly settings please.

1)    Home Page:  (Includes original images, and brief description of the nature of the site)      /5

2)    Journal Page: (Is in blog form, includes original image with a French, journal theme)       /5

3)     Moi  - ( In page form – include image(s) or video that reflects you or your interests.       /5

4)    Personal Dictionary –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/dictionary theme)     /5

5)    Notes – (In blog form, includes original image that has a French/notes theme)       /5

6)    Projects –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/projects  theme)       /5  

7)    Links – ( In page form and includes links to and Mr Mark's website )       /5

Total               /35

Is there anything else you would like me to notice: