

1) Using the Slideshow option in Weebly, create a simple halloween story using the vocabulary below.

2) Your story must be written using the past tense (Imparfait and Passé Composé)

3) Your story should be no more than 10 simple sentences. Make sure your verbs are properly conjugated. Ex. Le souris rampait

4) Publish Story in the "Projects" section of you online binder


Content    /10  (10 slides, 10 sentences, in French)

Structure    /10 (Sentences are in the correct order and the verbs are correctly conjugated)

Story    /5 (There is a clear beginning, middle, end to the story)

Total        /25

Vocabulaire d’Halloween

L’automne                                                    Autumn/ Fall

Octobre                                                        October

Le trente et un                                            31st

La Toussaint                                                 All Saints Day

 Halloween                                                   Halloween

Un potiron /Une Ctrouille                        Pumpkin

 Une sorcière                                               a witch

 Un balai                                                        a broom

 Un cimetière                                               a cemetery

 Une bougie                                                             a candle

 Un masque                                                  a mask

 Un déguisement                                        a disguise / costume

 Un squelette                                               a skeleton

 Un chat noir                                                a black cat

 Une chauve-souris                                    a bat

 Une araignée                                              a spider

 Un épouvantail                                          a scarecrow

 Un feu follet                                                a jack-o’-lantern

 Un vampire                                                 a vampire

 Un lutin                                                        a goblin

 Une momie                                                 a mummy

 Un monstre                                                 a monster

 Un diable                                                     a devil

Des bonbons                                               sweets / candy

Un chat noir                                                 a black cat

une chauve-souris                                                 a bat

un fantôme                                                  a ghost

une feuille                                                    a leaf 

 le crâne                                                         the skull

la toile d'araignée                                       the spider’s web


hanter                                                           to haunt

jouer un tour (à qqun)                             to play a trick (on someone)

Se costume en                                     is dressed up as

Ramper                                                   to creep

Se glisser                                                to move silently

Crier                                                         to scream

Hurler                                                       to howl

Grincer                                                       to screech

Se câcher                                                to hide oneself

Glisser                                                      to slither

Voler                                                           to fly

Caqueter                                                   to cackle

Avoir peur du noir                                       to be scared of the dark

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