On paper or use an electronic format create a learning guide that explains how to conjugate the verbs below in the present/past and future tenses. For each verb, you must conjugate it in the Je, Tu, Il/Elle, Nous, Vous, Ils/Elles subject pronoun forms and explain what it means in English. In addition you must supply two simple sentence examples using a plural and a singular noun as a subject.

Ex. être

Je suis - I am
Tu es - you are
Il/elle est - he/she is
nous sommes - we are
vous êtes - you are
Ils/elles sont - they are

La vache est belle.
Les vaches sont belles.

ER/IR/RE verbs
Present Tense Verbs:

ER regular verbs - (Parler) - p. 90

IR regular verbs - (Finir) - p. 268

RE regular verbs - (Répondre) - p. 300

Irregular verbs:

Avoir - p. 120

Être - p. 30, 60

Aller - p. 162

Faire - p. 194

Vouloir p. 201

Pouvoir - p. 201

Mettre - p.  228

Voir - p. 232

Croire - p. 232

Sortir, partir, dormir, servir - p. 272

Dire, écrire, lire - p. 306

Boire, devoir, recevoir - p. 337

Reflexive verbs in the present - p.  408

Venir - p. 112 (BV 2)

Past Tense Verbs

Passé Composé Regular - p. 332
Passé Composé with Être - p. 369
Passé Composé Reflexive - p. 413

L'imparfait Regular - p. 74 (BV2 )
L'imparfait (When to use it) p. 78 - Use examples for each use - and translate them
L'imparfait vs the passé composé -p. Give two examples - and translate them

Future Tense Verbs

Aller + Infinitive - p. 165
Futur Simple    -p. 182 (BV2


Definitions 1 mark each (Definitions are clear and correct)     /3
Verbs  3 marks each (Forms include all subject pronouns, correctly conjugated, english version and include two examples with a singular and plural noun)

3 points x 33 = 99

Total    /102

11/15/2013 11:41:46 am

Mr mark what's your email address I have a few questions for this French guild


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