Write an approximately 100 word letter in French to an imaginary pen pal in a French speaking country or region. Describe what you did on your holiday (approx. 10 sentences) using the Passé Composé verb tense. (Journal guide and pg. 332), then share what you plan to do in the upcoming year using the Future Tense ( Aller + Infinitive pg. 165) (Approx 5 sentences)


Content  /5 (100 words in French - approx 15 sentence)
Past Tense Verbs / 10 (Passé Composé used in correct context and conjugated correctly)
Future Tense Verbs /5 ( Aller + Infinitive used correctly and conjugated correctly)

Total /25

In a relatively short refection (150-200 words) I would like you to write a post that:

1)  Briefly describes your game,

2) Details what you contributed to its creation

3) What you learned in the process of creating the game 

4) What is your opinion on the playability of the game. 

Please post your blog in the "Project" section of your website. 
Include an image or images of your board game in your reflection

Content /5 (Meets word count, covers all questions)
Style /5 (Is properly formatted, spelling and grammar are correct)