Movie Review
- Write a 350 word film review about your thought of the film "Sicko"

- The review should start 
with a quick 3/4 sentence synopsis (description) of the movie, but most of the 
review should be your opinion about the problems of US health care system and how the US system compares to the French and Canadian systems- The review should be written in English. 

 When you are finished write a 2 to 3 sentence answer for the following question in French:

Quelle est la différence entre la système médicale amèricaine et la système médicale française? 

This question will be on you final conversation exam.

- You should conclude your review with a score out of 10

- Reviews should be posted in the project section of your Weebly sites.


/10 Content - (Word Count, Brief Synopsis, Description of Pro/ Cons, Rating is included at the 
/10 Arguments and Analysis -  (Your arguments and analysis demonstrate original though and a clear 

                                                   understanding of the issues)

/ 5 French Question- (You have correctly answered the final question in French, using correct sentence structure                                      and vocabulary)

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