Une Voyage Française

“Itinerary for a trip to a French speaking Country”

Overview: You and your partner are about to plan the ultimate 1 week globe hopping French adventure. You need to choose your destinations, book your flights, choose your activities and work out all the details. Using a presentation method of your choice (ex. PowerPoint), you will lead us day by day through each stage of your trip, pointing out the highlights and calculating the costs.

Step 1 : Choose a Partner:________________________

Step 2: – Select your destinations

Step 3: Decide when you leaving and returning:

Departure date: ____________  Arrival date:__________________

Step 4: Choose a theme for your trip and come up with a name. Example – rock concerts, sightseeing,  museums, mountain biking, skiing, or all of the above.

Name of Trip(Bill and Ted’s Excellent European biking adventure)

Step 5: Start putting your powerpoint presentation together 7 days, outlining activites for AM and PM –

Each Slide must include, accommodation – where your staying, activities, what you bought and food – each slide must also include pictures of the above and a daily budget.

Step 6: Create a final slide that outlines the entire cost of the trip, including flights and all other expenses.

Step 7 – Write a journal entry in French describing the highlights and lowlights of your trip in French. Using the narrating feature of Powerpoint or a Web 2.0 tool of your choice (ex. Prezi) ,  pre-record your journal entries to match up with your daily itinerary this for your presentation.

1) Page à titre (Destination, name of trip, name of participants)                                                      /5

2) Slides (Must include, relevant pictures, accommodation, food, budget and activities)  7x5   /35 

3) Final Budget  (accuracy, realism, completeness)      /10

4) Journal - Written (simple clear sentences, verbs conjugated, adjectives properly placed, proper use of the passé composé/past tense, not Google translated, use of chapter 8 and 9 vocab, 5 sentences per day, 5 of 7 days presented)                                                         /25

5)Presentation – (Itinerary is well reviewed, without repetition, Journal’s are clearly read with attention to pace, flow and pronunciation, French journal are pre-recorded and match up with the English itinerary.                                                             /25 

Total                                                                         /100

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