You will have class time to create a board game based on a theme that has been reviewed as a class. We will be playing the games as a class and half your mark will be judged by the peers who played your game in a peer evaluation process. 


1) In groups 2-3 you will choose a theme. All themes must be taken so you may not get your first choice.

- Verbs - Use Verb Guide Outline
- Clothing and Fashion - Ch. 7
- Airport and planes - Ch 8
- Sports - Ch 9
- Movies and Entertainment vocab
- Oral exam questions - use oral exam que
- Journals and talking about yourself

2) Create your own from scratch or recycle a game board of your choice. 2-4 students should be able to play your game at a time. You can bring props or game pieces from home.

3) Your game should include a minimum of 30 questions written out or cards or a paper.

4) The questions that you have created must be in French or your correct answer for the questions can be in French.  

5)Provide English and French instructions so your players are able to understand the game.

Example question:
Act out having the flu
the other players have to guess what type of sickness you have in french

The answer would be "un grippe"

Presentation       /5-   This will be assessed on how much effort you put into this project?

Content             /5-  This will be assessed based on how thoroughly you have covered the material in your theme. In                                          addition the writing must be mistake free, in both French and English

Playability/Creativity     /5    - This will be assessed on the fun factor and playability of the final game and will be assessed                                             by your peers.

Reflection and Co-operation       /5    - After we have completed and played the games, we will blog a reflection based on                                                            what we have learned in this process, and what we contributed to our groups. 

In this activity you and your partner will explore a new tool, and review the use of the Passé Composé verb tense. Your learning objectives are to learn how to use Powtoons and make a quick educational video about how to use and construct the Passé Composé verb tense. 


1) Create a www.powtoons.com account.

2) Using information about the Passé Composé regular verbs from p. 332 of your Red Bon Voyage 1 textbook or another reliable source, create a short video or animation using powtoons. 

3) The short presentation should explain the basic rules, construction and mechanics of the Passé Composé verb tense and it should include examples. 

4) Post/Imbed/Link to the "Project" section of your Online Binder. 


Content   /10  (You have correctly included the rules for ER/IR/RE verbs, You have explained, basic construction and when to use this verb tense, you have included examples)

Presentation     /10 (You have created this video using Powtoons, the video is interesting and visually pleasing, You have posted the video to the "Project" section of you Weebly site.)

Critique du Film:
- Write a 150 word film review describing what you liked 
and disliked about the movie, "Maurice Richard"

- The review should start 
with a quick 3/4 sentence synopsis (description) of the movie, but most of the 
review should be your opinion reviews the pros and cons of the movie.

- The review should be written entirely in French. (Use the vocab supplied below)

- Reviews that are written in English and Google translated will receive a mark of 0

- You should conclude your review with a score out of 10

- Reviews should be posted in the project section of your Weebly sites.


/10 Content - (Word Count, Brief Synopsis, Description of Pro/ Cons, Rating is included at the 
/10 Sentence Structure -  (Clear simple sentences with correct verb conjugation)

/ 5 Vocabulary - (Use a range of movie specific vocabulary in a the correct context)


Vocabulaire de Cinéma: Critique de film
le film -  film, movie
le cinéma -  movie theater
le Festival de Cannes ~ Cannes Film Festival
la sélection officielle -  official festival selection
la Palme d'Or   "golden palm," highest award given at Cannes

la comédie -  comedy
le documentaire -  documentary
le drame -  drama
le film d'action - action movie
le film d'aventures -  adventure
le film d'épouvante -  horror
la science-fiction -  science fiction
le western -  western

Acteurs ~ Cast
un acteur -  actor
une actrice - actress 
un(e) figurant(e)  - extra
un/e interprète -  actor/actress
le premier rôle -  male lead, leading actor
le premier rôle féminin -  female lead, leading actress
le second rôle -  supporting actor
le second rôle féminin -  supporting actress
la vedette -  star

Équipe ~ Crew
le caméraman, cadreur -  camera operator
le / la cinéaste -  director, film-maker
le / la coiffeur / coiffeuse -  hair stylist
le / la décorateur / décoratrice -  designer
le directeur de la photo(graphie) -  cinematographer, director of photography
le maquilleur / la maquilleuse -  make-up artist
le metteur en scène -  director
le monteur / la monteuse -  editor
le preneur de son  - sound engineer, sound recorder
le producteur / la productrice -  producer
le producteur exécutif  - executive producer
le réalisateur / la réalisatrice -  director
le scénariste -  screenwriter

Verbes ~ Verbs

bruiter -  to add sound effects
cadrer -  to frame a shot
couper -  to cut
diriger - to direct
interpréter -  to perform, act
monter - to edit
produire -  to produce
projeter -  to project, to show
tourner (un film, une scène) -  to film, shoot (a movie, scene)


à l'affiche -  showing, playing, on screen
la bande sonore -  soundtrack
le bruitage -  sound effects
le découpage -  story board
doublé -   dubbed
l'éclairage -  lighting
le générique -  credits, theme music
le métrage -  length
le montage -  editing
le scénario -  screenplay
sous-titré -  subtitled
le truquage -  special effects
VF   version française  -(dubbed into French)
VO   version originale (in the original language with French subtitles) 

Useful Expressions

J’ai pensé que le film était … I thought the film was 

-  bon, mauvais, excellent, ennuyeux (boring), violent, 
lent (slow)

Je donnerais le film 8 sur 10 – I would give the movie 8/10

Le film était… The movie was…

Quelques  scènes étaient  -  Some scenes were…

J’ai bien aimé le film – I really liked the movie

Je n’ai pas aimé le film – I didn’t  like movie.

J’ai pensé que le scène où….était… - I thought the scene where…was…

Il y avait beaucoup d’action – There was a lot of action. 

Le film était au sujet de… - The movie was about…

J’ai pensé que Liam Neeson était… (bon, mauvais, réaliste, sincere, incroyable)

J’ai aimé les scènes qui n’étaient pas ennuyeux. – I like the scenes that were not boring