Inspired by the documentary "Hiroshima" decide whether the United States was justified in using a nuclear weapon on Hiroshima. Despite the side you argue try to develop 3 arguments for and against. You can base your ideas on the information you saw in the movie, but you should also search for other sources. Create a convincing argument to defend your position and be ready to debate your findings in class. Please post your blog in "Projects" Your blog post may include pictures and videos, also you must include your sources. Make sure you clearly state your thesis and arguments for and against. As a rough guide your blog post should be about 300-400 words.


Content:    /5 (300-400 words)
Argument:     /5(Thesis is clearly stated, 3 arguments clearly stated and counter arguments clearly evident)
Appearance:     /5 (Images, videos included, posted in Projects, references to sources are used)

In celebration of Halloween we're going to take a look at some local spooky history. Your assignment is to play the role on an investigative journalist and uncover a horror story from Nanaimo's history. You must research, find a story, explain the story, make sure to include a link, reference and images. Please post as a blog in Current Events. You have 40 minutes. We will share our stories in the last part of the class.


Content    /5 (A brief but interested synopsis is provided, with link(s) to the source material)

Appearance /5 (Image, Posted in Current Events, Reference included)

1) This week students are to investigate the current Canadian Senate Scandal
2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video.

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them. I would like students in their opinion piece to advise Prime Minister Harper on what action he should take and what he should have done differently.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story.

Create an account with http://www.tiki-toki.com/
- Remember to save your username and password in a safe and organized space where you can easily acesss it for every class.

-  Create a timeline on Tiki-Toki that includes the following events:

1) The Revolution of 1905
2) The March Revolution (1917)
3) The Provisional Government
4) The Bolshevik Revolution
5) Lenin's Government
6) War Communism
7) The Civil War
8) Lenin's New Economic Policy
9) The Five Year Plans
10) The Purges
11) The Nazi-Soviet Pact

- For each of these events include the following information:
1) When
2) Where
3) What
4) Why
5) Outcome
6) So what?

-Embed your presentation in the NOTES section of your Weebly site. 
- Due end of class - Wed,

- Each event will be marked out of /6 for detail and accuracy. You must include all 6 categories. Total /66
- Presentation - using the various tool and features of Tiki-Toki  and presenting or linking it to your website under the  projects category.  /14
- Bonus - adding extra events to fill out your timeline     / 10

Total        /80 (with a possible 10 bonus marks available)

1) This week students are to read the news and choose  a story or current event that interests them.  

2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video.

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story.

To see an example of this please click on the following link.

In the notes section of your website, find definitions and an image that represents the following terms:

17.  Bourgeoisie
18. Proletariat
19. Exploitation 
20. Dictatorship of the Proletariat
21. Cadet 
23. Menshevik
24. October Manisfesto
25. Fundamental Laws
26. Duma
27. Provisional Government
28. V.I. Lenin
29. Joseph Stalin
30. Leon Trotsky


You are allowed to use various sources (please reference your work), but you may find the 1st chapter of the History 12 student workbook, very useful.

Each term /3
Definition - clear, accurate, well written    /1
Reference - you have referenced your source  /1
Image - you have chosen an image that represents each term    /1

Posted an published in the notes section of you website
Total    /42

Write a blog post (200 words approx.) that addresses comparaisons between the game of risk and the historical events of the 20th century. WWI, WWII, Cold War, etc. The tone may be tongue and cheek. Use images to make it more entertaining and demonstrate your points.


Content  /5   (Word limit 200, published in Current Events section of website)

Style     /5    (An entertaining piece that may contain humor, or is written tongue and cheek, includes images)

Research    /5 (Demonstrates an intelligent grasp of both the game of risk and the events of the 20th century)


Your close friend Woodrow Wilson has just passed. You have been asked to write a brief eulogy commemorating his contribution to the 20th century. Along with your eulogy, please include a 10 image slideshow highlighting his amazing life.


Content:    /5      (Information is accurate and covers the major points of his life, and his contributions to the 20th century)
Slideshow    /5 (Includes revelant images)
Research    /5 (Demonstrates in depth knowledge of his life from multiple sources)
Presentation /5 (Speech is dynamic is filmed and posted on your Weebly site in the projects sections, includes slideshow)

Total    /20

Due Date:  Due Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 - 4pm

In the notes section of your website, find definitions and an image that represents the following terms:

11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Economic Sanctions
13. Hoare-Laval Plan 
14. The Locarno Pact
15.Kellogg-Briand Pact 
16.Washington Conference

You are allowed to use various sources (please reference your work), but you may find the 1st chapter of the History 12 student workbook, very useful.

Each term /3
Definition - clear, accurate, well written    /1
Reference - you have referenced your source  /1
Image - you have chosen an image that represents each term    /1

Posted an published in the notes section of you website
Total    /18

1) This week students are to  research the  US Government Shutdown and determine Why is this happening and what will the consequences of this shutdown be, will there be international, or global economic impact?

2) Students are to research and familiarize themselves with the story. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video.

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story.