Using a the list of 74 terms below (or supplied by Mr. Mark) choose two partners and divide the terms into 3 groups. Approximately 25 each. One lucky person will only have to do 24. For each term choose an image that best describes it and supply a quick definition that explains it.(When, Where, Why, What) 

In order to build your projects, start in Google Presentations and share your document with your two partners. Collaboratively you can build your working project. Finally convert your Google Presentation to Youtube and post in the Project sections of your History 12 Weebly Site.

Term Definition   /2   Definition explains When/What/Where/Why

Term Image    /1 - Appropriate image that captures the essence of each term. 

- Final Project is posted in completion in the project section of Weebly /5

Total   /80

Finally we will be doing a QuizShow style review of the terms with prizes to conclude our WWII unit and we will have a multiple choice style quiz after the review.


1. General Francisco Franco
2. Falange
3. International Brigades
4. Guernica
5. Stresa Front
6. Greater East Asian Co-Pros. Sphere
7. Lebensraum
8. Appeasement
9. Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
10. Sudetenland
11. Edvard Benes
12.  Neville Chamberlain
13. Munich Conference
14. The Nazi-Soviet Pact
15. Blitzkrieg
16. Panzer
17. Luftwaffe
18. Phony War
19. Dunkirk
20. Charles De Gaulle
21. Vichy France
22. Collaborators
23. Battle of Britain
24. Operation Sealion
25. Spitfire
26. Radar
27. Ultra
28. The Blitz
29. Winter War
30. Barbarossa
31. North African Campaign
32. General Erwin Rommel
33. General Montgomery
34. El Alamein
35. General D.D. Eisenhower
36. Operation Torch
37. Afrika Corps
38. Franklin Roosevelt
39. Cash and Carry
40. Lend Lease
41. Battle of Atlantic
42. U-Boat
43. Battle of Stalingrad
44. The Italian Campaign
45. Salerno
46. The Second Front 
47. Operation Overlord
48. Utah, Omaha, Gold
49. Operation Market Garden
50. Battle of the Bulge
51. V-1 or buzz bomb
52- V-2
53. Pearl Harbour
54. Doolittle Raid 
55. The Battle of the Coral Sea
56. The Battle of the Midway Islands
57. Island-Hopping
58. Battle of Leyte Gulf
59. Kamikaze
60. Iwo Jima
61. Okinawa
62. Manhattan Project
63. Hiroshima
64. Nagasaki
65. Holocaust
66. Final Solution
67. Ensatzgruppen
68. Wannsee Conference
69. Nuremburg Trials
70. Altantic Charter
71. Tehran Conference
72. Yalta Conference
73. Potsdam Conference
74. Strategic Bombing

1) This week students are to read the news and choose  a story or current event that interests them.  

2) Students are to read articles, or watch a news stories on the topic they have chosen. Next they are to post a link, to the article and/or video, write  a brief description of the story and  post any relevant pictures or video.

3) Finally students are to share their opinion or/and analysis of the story and why it is relevant or interesting to them.

- Articles will be marked out of /10.
- Proper sentence structure and writing quality will be considered
- Comments and opinions must be thoughtful, respectful and intellingent
-  Students must include a reference section at the botton with links to the sources used.
- Students must include a relevant image, video or both
- Students must summarize the story as reported by the article or news story
- Students must comment and share their original opinion and analysis of the story.

To see an example of this please click on the following link.

History 12: Assignment: Who was worse? Stalin or Hitler

Research a list of their negative impacts and positive accomplishments.

 Create a power point or choose another Web 2.0 tool to create a presentation outlining your arguments. This is an activity where you can choose to work with a partner if you like.


List of negatives (Evaluate negative impact both leaders had)                                     /5       

List of positives (Evaluate any positive impacts these controversial figure may

                              have had)                                                                                                 /5

Historical Accuracy – Information is historically accurate and cited.                         /5

Detail/Content – be thorough, use your own words or site references. Approx.

                               500 words worth of content                                                               /5

Style – Your presentation is professional looking/creative                                          /5

Referencing   - Reference a mininum of 5 sources using APA style citations            /5

Total:                                                                                                                                     /30

***(This is a controversial issue and there exist many strong opinions about these individuals make sure to delineate between fact and opinion. Cite your information)

Inspired by the documentary "Hiroshima" decide whether the United States was justified in using a nuclear weapon on Hiroshima. Despite the side you argue try to develop 3 arguments for and against. You can base your ideas on the information you saw in the movie, but you should also search for other sources. Create a convincing argument to defend your position and be ready to debate your findings in class. Please post your blog in "Projects" Your blog post may include pictures and videos, also you must include your sources. Make sure you clearly state your thesis and arguments for and against. As a rough guide your blog post should be about 300-400 words.


Content:    /5 (300-400 words)
Argument:     /5(Thesis is clearly stated, 3 arguments clearly stated and counter arguments clearly evident)
Appearance:     /5 (Images, videos included, posted in Projects, references to sources are used)