In a blog post please write a two to three sentence synopsis about the film, "The Fog of War" and list the eleven lesson. Next copy and answer 3 of the following 4 questions in your blog post


1. What was the most striking element of the film. Why do you remember that part particularly?

2. Which one of McNamara’s questions or challenges is of most interest or concern to you? Why?

3. Which of the eleven lessons were most interesting and important to you? With which

do you disagree? Which do you think will have the most impact on the 21st century? Why?

4. What did you learn about the time periods discussed in the film? What did they learn

about Robert McNamara? What impression do you have of him now that you have seen the

film? What impression do you have of World War II, the Cuban missile crisis, and the

Vietnam War now that you have seen the film?


Content:     /10 (Synopsis included, 11 lessons correctly listed, 3 out of 4 questions answered)
Style:          /5 (Writing is clear, and writing conventions are met)
Reflection    /5 (Student provides rich insight demonstrating they have thoughtfully considered and understand the material)

Total    /20

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