Originality:       Your article topic is unique to Wikipedia, not overly personal or trivial, it is relevant to the Wikipedia audience.                                                                      /5

Quality of Writing:  Your ariticle is free of spelling, syntax and grammtical errors. Your style of writing matches the tone of an encyclopedia article.                                                            /5

Quality and accuracy of description:   You've have comprehensively described all relevant aspects of your topic.                     /5

Referencing: (Follows APA style citations)            /5
You have gathered a mix of primary and secondary reliable and verifiable sources, you have cited your work in APA style at the end of the article.

Link to APA style guidelines: http://www.viu.ca/education/students/current/Writing_in_APA_Style_v2012.pdf

Total:                                                                                     /20

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